Casual Gamers Hell

My soul is storming. by townleystreet
April 7, 2008, 8:19 pm
Filed under: Game Reviews, games | Tags: , , , ,

The dark eldar have finally been unleashed onto the land of Kansai.  So far I’ve noticed the same things that everybody seems to be talking about – conquering planets is the same as conquering countries; and flying is essentially the same as not flying.

Regardless, this game comes from good heritage, and that alone is enough to make it a game worth playing.  To be honest though, I’m still finding my feet with the new races.  To be honest, apart from the sex appeal, the Sisters of Battle have nothing for me.  Sturdy, sure, but….  slow and boring.

The Dark Eldar on the other hand have a certain… allure.  Having said that though, I’m yet to really get a feel for them.  Playing a couple of skirmishes it didn’t really feel like my tactical decisions or different troop types made much of a difference.  The exception being Raiders.  Those are damn handy bastards.

I’ll keep playing though and try to give a more educated opinion later when I’ve become more educated in the opinion area.