Casual Gamers Hell

ChickHEN on a Japanese PSP-3000 by townleystreet
August 5, 2009, 3:22 pm
Filed under: Japan

If you’re like me you have a Japanese PSP-3000, and no matter how hard you try, the ChickHEN exploit just will not run.  I searched forums, tried all sorts of theme-resets, language changes, voodoo and so on, but to no avail.  It just would not run.  All that happens is the PSP would crash.  Then just today I was in a bookstore and I noticed this!

PSP Magazine 001

Luckily I had 725 Yen on me so I picked it up.  It turns out that somebody over here has already written and published a book about running ChickHEN and other homebrew on the PSP-3000.  They don’t mess about!

After fiddling my way through it I had a couple of goes with my PSP.  At first it didn’t work, but I didn’t give up.  I tried again to no avail.  Finally I combed the book once more for any insight and found something!  It was so simple, how could I have missed it?  So I tried, and then suddenly it worked!

Here’s how I did it:

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Big Blue, Part 2! by townleystreet
August 2, 2009, 1:03 am
Filed under: games, Japan

Those kids are at it again, this time they recap the amazing events of a previous session.  LISTEN and be amazed at what you hear.  WATCH and be devastated when it all comes to an abrupt and unexpected end…